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Who We Are

At the end of a little dirt road, nestled in the shadows of the rocky mountains there is a log cabin, unassuming, yet beautiful where two knife makers call home. Shaun and Sharla Hansen broke into the custom knife scene in 1999 and have been creating knives ever since.


Shaun and Sharla Hansen are teammates when it comes to work, play and family. They love the outdoors, riding horses on pack trips, hunting, fishing and flying aircraft they have built themselves.


At the center of Shaun and Sharlas lives is their family. Nothing is more important or brings as much joy to them than time spent with the family. They love to take vacations in their motorhome and cram as many family members into it as they can. Wherever they go, if they aren't selling knives they are with their family.


SHAUN & SHARLA HANSEN   ||   15505 S. CAMP WILLIAMS HWY, BLUFFDALE UTAH 84065   ||   801.244.5242

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